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Labor law lawyer Porosnicu Gianina Vera Iasi


Labor law represents a branch of the law system comprising the entirety of juridical principles that regulate individual and collective labor relations, the union and employer organizations attributions, labor conflicts and the control of labor legislation implementation. Labor law is a body of juridical norms with a distinct object to regulate – social labor relations between those who use the work force – employers – and those that provide the work – workers / employees. The main normative acts that regulate these juridical relations in Romania are the Labor Code, Social Dialogue Law (no. 62/2011), HG nr. 500/2011 regarding the general register of employees and also the multitude of normative acts regulating the protection of Romanian citizens working abroad, the situation of the temporary employee, sending workers within trans-national providing services, admission to employment and sending foreigners in Romania, work placement abroad, day laborers situations, etc.

The juridical principles that regulate health and work safety can be included in the same category, as stated by Law no. 319/2006R, HG no. 1425/2006 modified and completed, as well as around 20 Government decisions that transposed within the national legislation the content of Directive 89/391/CEE or those regarding the maternity protection at the work place and regulations concerning workers protection in case of extreme temperatures, etc.

The social security law contains juridical norms that regulate social security relations and also social assistance. Through this legal institution, the individual is protected by social risks threatening his/her existence. Protection often starts before birth (pre-birth care) and continues after death (survivorship pensions). The most important regulations activate within the pension system (see Law no. 263/2010), unemployment insurance system (Law no. 76/2002) or those from the health insurance system (OUG no. 158/2005).

In a normal process, the lawyer leads his client on the wire, until he reaches a ruling verdict, but when it comes to a special trial, the lawyer takes the client on his shoulders and carries him so until the verdict is pronounced and even after that.
Franz Kafka - the second version published in a limited edition of the famous novel "THE PROCESS"