Lawyer Criminal Iasi

Lawyer Civil Iasi

Lawyer good Iasi

Criminal lawyer Iasi Porosnicu Gianina Vera Iasi


Before the criminal prosecution:
- legal assistance provided to the accused/defendant when any procedure is made by the prosecution – designing requirements and fiing statements in compliance with stipulations made by article 172 from the Code of criminal procedure; examination of evidentiary material once the prosecution is closed and designing the defense by underlining new means of defense; - registration of new requests as the prosecution material is being presented; - registration of complaints against prosecution measures or actions that damages the legal interests of the accused/defendant according to provisions made by art. 278 and art. 278 index 1 Code of criminal procedure.

Taking preventive measures:
- providing legal assistance to detainees or arrested individuals; - devising and submitting petitions for replacing or dismissing preventive measures according to provisions made by art.139 Code of criminal procedure; - submitting and endorsing complaints against public prosecution ordinances regarding possession action, according to provisions made by art.140 par.1 Code of criminal procedure.; - submitting and endorsing complaints against the public prosecutor’s ordinance that prevented the accused/defendant to leave the locality or country, according to provisions made by art.140 index 2 Code of criminal procedure; - promoting, motivating and supporting appeals against the closure that decided the detention before trial of the defendant, as well as extending and maintaining this action

Before the court of justice:
- legal assistance and representation before the court of justice; - devising complaints, preliminary complaints, civil formation in the criminal case petition; - framing, submitting and supporting requests for temporary release under judicial control or on bail; - promoting, motivating and supporting relocation requests before the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania; - introducing and supporting an exception about an infringement of the constitution; - drawing up written conclusions for difficult cases or at the request of the court.
In a normal process, the lawyer leads his client on the wire, until he reaches a ruling verdict, but when it comes to a special trial, the lawyer takes the client on his shoulders and carries him so until the verdict is pronounced and even after that.
Franz Kafka - the second version published in a limited edition of the famous novel "THE PROCESS"