Lawyer Iasi

Lawyer Civil Iasi

Lawyer good Iasi


A new association for the protection of accident victims was established in Iaşi. According to founding members, lawyers Gianina Poroşnicu şi Doiniţa Stângaciu, the Association „Accident Victim Support” will concentrate on supporting all traffic accident victims as well as on labor, malpractice victims, in order to obtain as quickly as possible the compensations provided by law to cover the damages suffered as a result of those incidents.

Analyzing the general situation of accident victims in Romania, the founding members of AVS ASSOCIATION uncovered a lack of interest from the authorities and other private institutions involved, such as the insurances companies, towards the victims, that are often obliged to found solutions to save their lives and identify their own financial sources in order to minimize the negative consequences resulted from any type of accident”, told us yesterday lawyer Gianina Poroşnicu, president of the association. She added that the association also aims at helping those suffering as a result of accidents.

In Iaşi there is also a branch of the Association for Street Victims, coordinated by a professor from the Technical University.